May 23, 2023

Something went wrong / There was a glitch, try again in a few seconds error in Google Nest Mini


I have a Google Nest Mini connected to my smart home and in the past few days, it was not executing my commands most of the time. Below are the error messages which google assistant gave me.

"Something went wrong. Try again in a few seconds."

"There was a glitch. Try again in a few seconds."

This was becoming a very annoying thing to me and decided to search for this error.

May 18, 2023

My journey to Off Grid Solar systems - Part 3

Please read My journey to Off Grid Solar systems part 1 & Part 2 if you haven't done it already. In this article we're going to check how all these pieces comes together. To show you that I would like to present below diagram. Please note that this is a basic diagram and with related to the laws of where you currently live in this could be bit different.

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